‘Guaranteed Survival Benefit’ of novel coronavirus, Jealous or fear rides man?

Like the Siamese twins, the incidence of novel coronavirus is spiralling up along with our economic disaster.  Loss of livelihood, hopelessness, uncertainty and fear of possible death etc., are keep emerging like how the fixed number of eggs that forms the clutch size of several birds and even if we remove one egg, the bird would lay another egg to fill the quorum of the clutch.  The clutch size is always maintained.  So is the tyranny of people due to lockdown.

Many fruiting plants are known to incur huge economic burden in order to save their ecosystem; pollinators and seed dispersers even when they gain nothing from the given season at the given time.   
The best examples are parthenocarpy and stenospermocarpy.  Parthenocarpy is a condition where fruits are formed without fertilization and mostly will have unfertilized seeds.  On the other hand, stenospermocarpy means the fruit is formed without seeds.   The above conditions often occur may be due to the lack of nutrients to the plant, lack of pollinators etc.  But still the plants bear the huge economic burden of fruiting without fertilized seeds or without seeds.  The plants bear such burden mostly to support the seed dispersing animals in order to ensure successful seed dispersal in next season, hence wants to keep the seed dispersing species in good stud.    That is how evolution has been programmed. 

In this super intelligent programme of evolution, pathogen and host are no exception.  Although no one has seen who pulls the strings of evolution from behind, commands the activities and supervise the outcomes and account them or log them etc.  Paradoxically some species of life forms are unduly favoured by evolution and the best example is man in this biome. 

When man take undue favours from evolution, celebrate the nature as if he is the owner and impose the law of ‘contractarianism’ and ‘utilitarianism’ in this world naturally the arrival of novel coronavirus as ‘super power house’ is bound to cause lots of concern. Today man is jealous, jittery and has reached the state of utter perilousness when the same nature and evolution suddenly favours a virus. 

Possibly the novel coronavirus may be exploring the insurance policy of ‘guaranteed survival benefit’ issued by evolution by choosing the man first than any other host.  The possibility of survival for any virus would be extremely high if the virus chose man than any other species of life on earth as its host.

Imagine, if the virus has chosen frog or cat; the man would have mercilessly exterminated all cats and frogs on earth to save his life.  When the virus chose man, how man can kill man in legal sense.  May be because of such limitation only, those who think may die of coronavirus are killing those who are unlikely to die due to the virus by imposing lockdown; programmed starvation and loss of livelihood.
The virus if, soon after or just prior to its evolution, perfected the software and only then taken the ‘guaranteed survival benefit policy’ by choosing man as its ‘transit’ or final host, then how man can assume he can easily eliminate the virus.  We also must see the larger scope of the evolution i.e., no species even if, it has come with the guaranteed survival insurance policy wouldn’t adventure to kill its host just to expedite the policy.   
The real problem of man over novel coronavirus is difficult gauge.  We cannot discount two strong possibilities such as

1.     Jealous over the ‘guaranteed survival benefit policy’ of the virus

2.     Boundless fear of death due to COVID 19

The possibility of jealous dominating in man against novel coronavirus may be the real problem we face today.  Man never wants any other species to be more dominant and powerful than man.  Today it looks like fear of death due to coronavirus is evaporating slowing because about 80% people are likely to have no effect due to the virus.  More than the fear of own death, the quarantine chamber only bothers many, which is quite stupid and unwise, prima facie. 

The jealous of man and his helplessness makes him mad, eccentric, paranoiac and hence the government may be trying to euthanize the livelihood of people who are likely to be asymptomatic carriers of the virus so that the virus is killed….. 

As long as the virus has the guaranteed survival benefit policy issued by the evolution, man has to remain dumb and impoverished before the virus.  Man has grabbed power over nature but it looks like novel coronavirus is given all powers by the nature and evolution. 

Man has not yet realized the ultimate truth that man is the soft target for many pathogens in near future because of his over-dominance and abundance in nature.  When plenty of men are available in this biome, naturally most pathogen in future may chose man over any other species to enhance its survival opportunity.   From the point of view of nature, even if the population of man reduces by half in this biome, still the nature may allow such event to happen. 

Instead of keep searching and experimenting science of evolution and Darwin-ism, we also must induct a stream of new wisdom called ‘psychology of evolution’ and ‘human over dominance’ in nature. 

The insurance company would go insolvent only when most of the life insurance policy holders’ die en mass due to some un-natural causes.  Otherwise more customers (policy holders) mean more profit to the insurance company. 

If we allow the virus a free run in human population, the guaranteed survival benefit policy of the virus would expire soon because the policy issued by the evolution will be valid only when there is an imminent threat to its existence.  The virus doesn’t looks like has come to kill man but may be to send a strong message that ‘super man’ may not evolve over man but a super-spreader virus can evolve, can rattle man and make him jealous and envy, keep him ignorant and utter nonsenses about the virus as daily ritual. 

Instead of being jealous, man has to develop benevolence towards the virus, government must revoke all forms of lockdown, testing, quarantine, containment and other measures and people must be freed to move with the virus. 

Protecting own life and life of all relatives must be left to people and the government must boost its readiness to provide treatment when there is an emergency.  Instead of doing what we are supposed to do, we are keep building brand over coronavirus to make the virus to live in our minds and hearts even after the extinction of the virus.   Through such branding we are likely to create annual festival and feast to commemorate the birth anniversary of novel coronavirus in India.

We must stop chasing the virus, stop testing people, stop quarantine and containment procedure and instead we should let India to limb back to its routine life so that our economy and livelihood of millions are regained and people are saved. 


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