‘Human overdoing & conjecture’ may make him ‘ecological trap’ of novel coronavirus, why we make busy virus, lazy?

The entire world to a certain extent and India in particular, is running and galloping after novel coronavirus and unfortunately India could not order shoot at sight at the virus because the virus is invisible to all those gladiators and the only way the virus can be shot down is shoot the carrier or the COVID 19 patient.  Except killing the host so brutally, India is doing everything possible to put the asymptomatic people inside the pigeon hole in the name of quarantine and making the entire zone isolated fortunately not with barbed wire and finally make them feel their life not worth living in India.  

We must ask a strong question that are we making the so called ‘Homo sapiens’ the ecological trap of novel coronavirus by overdoing and being naively over ambitious?   

Ecological trap means the rapid environmental changes that induce or force the organism to choose and settle with even in the hostile or poor quality habitat despite the best habitat is available to the organism. 

From the natural selection point of view, the novel coronavirus may not have chosen man as its host but it looks like accidentally it had entered into man.  But due to super dominance of man on earth, the virus got exposed to several rapid environmental changes when the virus travels around the world along with man where the population differences are ominous and many other un-explainable diversity too exist among human races in different parts of the world besides the climatic and environmental changes which collectively and individually may compel the virus to live with man forever. 

Penultimate changes have indeed caused great concern and confusion not only to human community but also to the virus.  Before even know a little about the virus, man has started to hunt the virus thinking that even a mille second is if wasted in the war against the virus, the virus many eliminate man from this planet called earth.  Even in the certain death that  shall happens to all of us one day, man still wants to outlive death and if not, postpone the death as much as possible.  The unfortunate creature doesn’t even know when and how he is going to die but the same man un-shaming-ly claims that lockdown, quarantine and containment procedures have saved several lives from imminent death.
The fallacy of optimism is that, the world together like a ‘Vasudaiva kudumbakam’ must fight the virus and only then the virus can be eliminated but at the same time the man also must maintain and follow social distancing.  How we can work together and simultaneously maintain social distancing keeping 6 feet distance with each other and fight the virus? 

By overdoing, are we not risking man?  Are we not creating a possible situation that the virus may use man as its ultimate host and man sooner than later going to become the ‘ecological trap’ of the virus? When about 80% of the population is unaffected by the virus, why should we trap the virus by pushing people into quarantine chamber, scavenge the virus from transmitting from one to other and then let the virus to escape?

If man is part of the natural selection of the virus, then how the virus can be pathogenic to man and can go deadly as described by the world?  Which species on earth would decrease and diminish its survival by killing its host that the natural selection has offered through several trial and error means? 

When the virus causes serious disease in certain individuals and go unaffected among large proportion of population, how can we call such virus so deadly and impose lockdown on entire country, every activity in the country is paralyzed and failing which the fear is that, the entire earth’s landmass may belong to the virus, whether it is White House in US or Buckingham Palace in UK or Eiffel Tower in France or Taj Mahal in India.  

If we compel the virus to stay in human by creating human as its ecological trap, will the virus ever show any willingness in future to move to another host even if it is more profiting to the virus?  Won’t the virus show laziness to leave man even if man offers lesser survival advantage to the virus? 
Our world economy has paid huge price to buy the buss word ‘novel’ or new. 

The entire world gone crazy and mad over the term novel, the science of the meaning is, it is new to me, new to you and new to everyone.  Therefore shutdown the country, paralyze the life of people and if necessary go for cryopreservation methods on people, but hunt down the virus. 

The virus came very busy, contracted from one person to another so fast, traveled all most all countries and is tireless, agile and active until now.  But are we not making such busy virus lazy but trapping the virus in all asymptomatic people by pushing them inside quarantine chamber and making the virus to choose man as its ecological trap? 

When man thought too much about himself, he forgot the misery of the virus.  The real misery the virus is yet to come as great gift.  It is not the virus but man alone is responsible for the above.  If we let the virus go through us, by now the world would have been free of novel coronavirus or by now the virus would have lost the tag called novel and become ‘old’ or ‘familiar’ coronavirus? 

Was some scientists and clinicians wants to be busy and hence discovered the virus and its newness?  Used fear to support the ‘holy’ existence of science? Was the virus victim of science and human fear?  How long the virus shall remain new and novel?  How long India can be kept under lockdown, kill the livelihood of people and push millions of migrant workers orphan, refugees in own mother land? 

 The virus is witnessed in the pathology of all most all organs in COVID 19 patients, but never proven to be the cause! The virus targets only very small proportion of people who are suffering from wide variety of comorbid conditions, affects the sense of smell which is biologically not important for man to survive but still we wants to call the virus a deadly pathogen?  The question is not about calling the virus deadly but we are also making all those human species without their knowledge and freewill carry the virus as more deadly than the virus and put them inside a cage called quarantine…. what a bizarre science we have adopted to fight a virus?

It looks like the virus may not leave man.  The virus may live with man, sometime may not let man to live.  Whether man wage next level of war against the virus with vaccine or with potent antivirus drug, the virus will remain with man and by the time we come up with medicines to contain, the virus would have learned a lot about man but still the same man may remain ignorant about the virus, still may use the catch phrase ‘novel’, may still promote fear to rescue his science. 

The new world is going to be owned by ignorant science that wishes to survive with fear and the unbending novel coronavirus.  Who knows even in 2050 also the virus may remain novel to ignorant man because human fear is there for his support and justification and hence science can easily shelter under such fear.        


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