Neophobic or neophilic is, coronavirus, why ‘wild’ India playing possum and hen versus hen harrier fear
We must elaborate our search and must try to
understand the evolutionary intricacies of ‘neophobic’ and ‘neophilic’ aspects
of novel coronavirus. Although the
strict ethological principles or models of invertebrate or vertebrate we cannot
apply to a virus, but evolution doesn’t differentiate a virus from a whale
because both have the same biological necessity to survive and hence would perform
all essential biological activities such as injection, digestion of food (assimilation),
excretion and finally procreation.
To achieve the above objectives, all life form
adapt either predation mode of survival, parasitism or as decomposer or
scavenger niche. The question is how the
different life forms have evolved and may evolve over time? Do any
species ever evolve to explore entire world and in such exploration, would try
to eliminate a particular species that is so dominant on earth – Homo
How do the new species evolve; with neophobic
or neophilic traints?
Neophobic (hate newness) species are bound to
show endemic property and the extinction of such species is also quite easy and
if not, would often get restricted to a particular host and would try to remain
in the same niche.
On the
other hand, if the organism, imagine, have evolved with neophilic traits (love
newness), love to explore and experience all that is new around them, then such
organism is likely to have a greater adaptability, adjusting ability, can go
violent or benign at times, can be friendly
or inimical, however will be social and spreading.
It looks like the novel coronavirus appears to
follow the second order where it is quite neophilic (love newness), social, and
highly enterprising and colonizing. The
fundamental question is, are we the Homo sapiens (wild Indians, those who are
not higher echelons) without understanding the above evolutionary possibility
i.e., adaptive variation of neophobia; neophobia threshold hypothesis (NTH) and
the dangerous niche hypothesis (DNH), are exhibiting and displaying shock, agog
and feigning death before the virus.
Many animals when are helplessly cornered by
the predator, feigning death or would engage in ‘playing possum’ means, acts as
if they are dead. The animals also then would emit the odour of a dead animal
and naturally the predator would avoid such putrefied prey. Such animal behaviour is also called ‘tonic
immobility or thanatosis.
Today the lockdown has killed people much
before the virus could enter our system and our total loss of livelihood may
generate boundless mercy in virus to leave us and go away. Even
such mercy of the virus, Modi can claim as his victory and can use it for his
political mileage.
We must
realize that every species evolved in nature is law abiding except man.
We are scared of neophiles because of their
relative success over many other species that we know so far. Further neophiles
are relatively luckier, have greater resistance to changes and hence possibly
produce more variants or mutants in order to enhance the survival chance. After man, the coronavirus is the first life
form ever evolved as super-neophile and smartly utilizing ‘abundant human
resource’ in the world as its opportunity to survive and be successful.
If we
follow the heretical view that our life is rather a dumb luck festival of
neo-Darvinian algorithm of success, man is bound to miss the science and likely
to latch onto ‘GOD’ to rescue him from the neophile- novel coronavirus, may
impose lockdown, impose social distancing norms, instruct people to use of
mask, order people to frequently wash hands, impose idiotic quarantine
procedures and may force people to live in containment zones to eliminate the
government also has legitimized imprisonment and slavery law over people to
‘dumb’ the free running virus in our society?
What a pitiable science and Andher Nagari ( अँधेर नगरी
rule we are forced to follow and celebrate to
eliminate the virus?
Neophiles seldom follow the ‘law of nature’ only
initially, but with time, would succumbs to the evolutionary realities and the instinct
to survive, turns to go friendly than hostile, provided we familiarize the new
ecosystem quickly than make the environment so neophobic to the neophile, bring
more discomforts to the virus and the combat the virus and finally allow the
war to continue than settle. We have
already made many people economically and psychologically weak warriors;
factorize them with the above engine to fight the virus.
the world is doing exactly today is fighting a war with novel coronavirus thinking
as if, humans are chickens and the coronavirus in hen harrier or crested
serpent eagle.
Neophiles are experimenters, unsettled species,
not fully favoured by the evolution and hence ‘wonder around’ mostly with fear
and hope to quickly settle. But we the
human being are not allowing the virus to settle.
the evolutionary perspective, the novel coronavirus has not yet identified its
final host, behaves neophile because it is clueless, might have born well
before its purpose and role are scripted well, left in the middle to act its
role all alone by the evolution and hence may be making circuits and
circumventing all norms, behaves like a creeper, lianas, floater or banyan etc.
We must interact with the virus, live with the
virus and let the virus to shed its fear.
In the process, some of may die, let us accept the eternal truth that we
are not born with the boon of immortality or after consuming sanjeevi booti, death
is certain, it can happen due to coronavirus or by any other means. It looks like coronavirus has not come to
kill man.
No neophiles will ever target the most dominant
species on earth to kill or eliminate but only to exploit the same for its
survival as they see the most dominant species on earth - man as its
opportunity. But we, the human being
only appears to have written a new narratives that the coronavirus has come to
kill man, eliminate him from the terra firma, therefore we must eliminate the
virus at any cost.
What a bizarre approach we have adopted so far?
Thousands die every day due to road or air or rail accidents, natural calamity,
due to various diseases etc. Could we
stop all those deaths? Can we eliminate
the virus by locking down the country and freezing people, kill the livelihood
of millions…. to save them from coronavirus?
Today our government is sermonizing to people
that Indians must learn to live with the virus?
Did people ever say they would
refuse to live with the virus, did people say they would not learn how to live
with the virus? What lesson Modi has
taught the people through senseless lockdown?
What the lockdown has achieved for India except destruction of our
economy, livelihood and life of many poor people?
How do we know we have saved so many lives through
lockdown? Do we know several people
would have died due to coronavirus but the lockdown has saved? Has the government got any letter of
confirmation in this regard from Lord of death YAMA?
When someone contracts the virus, we have
concluded, death to be certain. How many
people are living happily with cutaneous TB but without any lung
infection? How many people have survived
after being attacked by many deadly pathogens?
has destroyed the economy of our country, life and livelihood of many, made
several labours ‘refugees’, impecunious, and orphans, left alone to fend…. How
cruel and heartless was our government towards all those poor people who
elected this government to power with such majority to crush their freedom,
dignity, livelihood ….. even their natural justice?
India must wake-up, must preserve the pain and
agony afresh till 2024 and must elect a weak, coalition government to save our
democracy and federal structure. We need
freedom and independence and not lockdown and dictatorial rule.
Corona or its sister or brother or other
members of its family let come in future.
But we cannot lose our independence and dignity due to corona or any
other pathogen in future. It looks like
government is playing politics with coronavirus.
Indians are wild. We have been living in very poor and
unhygienic conditions, living with several pathogens including those neglected
third world microbes, living with several debilities, living with one meal a
day, living on the street, what is our problem in living with coronavirus? The virus will not be as bad and as harmful
as lockdown and dictatorial rule.
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