Lockdown may favour the virus and de-value human species, danger in the rack, know from evolution

All species of life form on earth always wants to survive and achieve the ultimate goal of their biological birth or existence.  The biological relevance of the life is limited to fight, flee, feed and then reproduce.  

Evolution has favoured perfection in almost all species on earth as ‘skilled and super-skilled craftsmen’ to meet the above four evolutionary demands.

Further, based on the skills each species of animal when wants to develop and perfect in the same line, evolution has supported each species through different forms of adaptations for the animals to live as prey or predator.  

In simple term, all species of life form becomes the product of what they wish do and how they think to support what they wish/wants to do.

The world in general and India in particular must recognize the bitter truth and the possible danger of the lockdown is that the lockdown would give not only an additional advantage to novel coronavirus but also may devalue human evolution from winner thinking to victim thinking. 

In reality, through repeated lockdown, we are actually doing an undue favour to the virus by allowing the virus to roam around freely by putting people inside a cage (house arrest and lockdown) like how we conduct ‘wildlife safari’ in national parks or sanctuaries around the world where the visitor is locked up inside the cage (safari vehicle) and the animals would be roaming freely in the habitat. 

We, the human being have gone too scared of novel coronavirus than being cautious. 

Unfortunately, to achieve caution among people, our government has been using fear as the right weapon instead of creating awareness in the society, especially in the beginning. 
Imposition of lockdown to prevent people-virus direct encounter is only going to favour the virus and not the man.  The reason being the virus is not a true pathogen, affects only very small fraction of our population resulting in severe health complications and otherwise the pathogen is calm and silent in vast majority of people.   

Lockdown will certainly affect the total biology of man impacting even the genetic makeup possibly resulting in making the ‘new man’ – the victim thinker and the soft target of the virus.

The frequent victim thoughts and compulsive caution or the forced caution by the government upon people along with several other recipes prescribed to follow like social distancing etc., and the global admission that the life post corona era must ready to embrace new normal will compel only victim or prey type evolution and adaption in man.  Man will never win over coronavirus with his present mind set.

The constant harbouring of such thoughts will make man only victim, he must flee from the virus and on the other end, the virus is allowed to run as the real winner and the top predator of man. 

Who knows, the diverse pathology that is observed in COVID 19 patients (autopsy) may be partly due to man stepping into the first stage of general adaptation syndrome leading to the new evolution of ‘victim’ man and not the ‘winner man’. 

If man continues to harbour fear over the virus and believes that only through lockdown man can save himself from the virus, certainly the consequences are not going to limit to economy, livelihood, unemployment etc., but also may impact and kindle new evolution of ‘victim’ man because the virus is not a true pathogen.  

When we decides to flee from every responsibility that would make man only a greater runner or escapist and the tragedy is that, the runner man shall never reach the finishing point instead, he runs because the predator or hunter is chasing him from behind.  The show would be like how a wildebeest would run for its life when a pride of lion or a pack of hyena chases the animal.    

Thereafter, our survival lies not just in our ability to run and escape but also in how easily the hunter would go tired and would give up the chase. 

If the novel coronavirus go tired, man might win and our medical and scientific fraternity can claim that as their success.

All species of herbivores are quite strong to escape the predator and not that strong to fight, may not be physically but definitely psychologically.  On the other hand, predators are strong to hunt and less to fear at the psychological level about the prey species and that is how both the predator and prey have evolved. 

It is not just such triggers (flee, fight, feed and reproduce) alone are sufficient for evolution but sustained effort to remain so as how each species have evolved, is also necessary.  Meaning the fear of predator only keeps the prey as prey, a strong escapist and vice versa. 

Kudos to WHO and all other allied departments for giving an exalted position to the coronavirus, continue to serve caution and fear, continue lockdown, test, quarantine etc. 

Today man perceives the novel coronavirus as the biggest threat to his life than any other pathogen man has so far encountered. 

It is quite natural for the world to exert extra caution towards the new pathogen.  It is also quite natural and acceptable and expected rightfully from WHO and other parallel health services to alert the respective states and people to be cautious and vigilant about the new pathogen. 

But continuously putting people inside quarantine chamber, house arrest, declaring anathema around certain habitats by declaring them are containment zones, paralyze human life by imposing lockdown etc., are certainly going to make man ‘victim’ to the virus forever and make the virus, the clear winner.

The autopsy examination of COVID 19 patients should not limited to looking for the pathological conditions likely to have been triggered by the virus alone but also we must see what extent the emotion called fear to flight than fight has also contributed to the above pathology.  If we could correlate certain pathological conditions due to persistent fear over coronavirus than due to the virus, then we have more reasons to worry about the possible devaluation of man than the emergence of novel coronavirus. 

The fear is bound to affect the hypothalamus and as a result, several changes at endocrinal, emotional, neural, muscular, physiological, reproductive and biochemical levels would happen.  When the trigger (fear) persist and sustains thanks to the measures of the government, the above systemic changes (endocrinal, emotional, neural, muscular, physiological and biochemical) would naturally slips into the genetic level as well, and becomes the part of ‘eco-genomics’. 

Eco-genomics takes place due to human intervention as well as due to natural process.  But this is the first time man is inflicting an eco-genomic changes onto himself by harnessing fear and lockdown; due to novel coronavirus. 

Tomorrow’s world belongs to novel coronavirus and also to its relatives and extended family members.  Even the global thinking of developing a vaccine than anti-viral agent also reflects nothing but fear and fear centric approach; defend the self through immune modification than face the virus and kill it.  Through vaccine we are developing our immunity to fight virus than and we are not ready to dare the virus directly with a new anti-viral drug. 

Adaptation and evolution will be faster when diversity is high due to high survival demand. 

Country like India with such a huge population and diversity should not have gone for lockdown as the first option.  But Modi rushed and now the chief minister of Tamil Nadu is just following the foot prints of Modi. 

We made sure that people should be scared of coronavirus than nuclear weapons. 

The effect of lockdown will not be limited to our economy alone but also will affect our psychology and endocrinology and may make the man victim thinker.  We may believe that the evolution of any new species will take several years.  But strong genetic modification due to a specific fear (eco-genomic effect) may soon make the present man, a victim, must live with mask, who knows new man may develop gills to breath. 

To affirm our senseless lockdown, we have also allowed the so called experts to justify that lockdown that lockdown only has helped India to prevent thousands of deaths as if the Lord of Death YAMA has told them that he could not enter India due to lockdown as his visa and passport were impounded. 

What really going to kill India in near future is the consequences of the economic disaster, loss of livelihood, loss of employment opportunity, loss of job, inflation, spiralling fuel price etc., all, thanks to lockdown.  The battle will be between livelihood and life and not life versus coronavirus.  Fear is going to dominate in our life, modify even our genetics, and may bring a new adaptation – ‘victim’ thinker man.  Psychologists will be in great demand and not virologists.

People can save India and their life only by changing the political discourse in India.  India needs a weak, multi-party coalition government and never a single party majority led government.  When the decision makers cannot be decisive politically, broad based consultation will prelude every decision taken, whereas, single party majority government is bound to breed only autocracy and denial of democracy and civil rights.   Even our foreign policies and achievements are used by the present ruling dispensation for poll victory and that is why India has to surrender before Coronavirus and China, simultaneously. 


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