Coronavirus is air-born – did India miss the black-and-white effect of air pollution, lockdown might have favoured the virus!
Will Modi finally accept that he lost the Mahabharat war against
coronavirus and now he must go after Ramayan and ask people of India to pray to
Hanuman, son of Vayu (air) along with the use of several grandmas’ kitchen
based healing recipes of ancient India due to the recent revelation that
coronavirus is air born.
The recent report on novel coronavirus is air borne by a
group of scientists from US and further asking the WHO to revise its guidelines
has come as rude shock than a new piece of scientific information to contain the
viral pandemic.
It is already known that air pollution will always increase
the burden of respiratory predisposition and respiratory illness among people. Therefore most of the respiratory illnesses are
relatively high in urban and city dwelling places than in the country side or
From the above premise, we must look at novel coronavirus
pandemic and must ask certain ‘India specific’ questions. Sometime such an analysis or questions may
land us in an unconventional zone of science but we must not shy to ask such
questions however unscientific such questions may be because only through an
evolution linked analysis of the new virus we can develop some meaningful fodder
to deal the pandemic, at least in future days.
Otherwise we may continue with the ‘cut and paste’ approach of US or EU
countries which in all likelihood may not work in India.
When people live in areas where the air quality is poor, burden
of various pollutants are high, naturally people living in such areas are at
greater risk of catching up respiratory illness and flu virus. From such perspective, people in all our
mega cities are at greater risk of developing COVID 19 than in villages. This is science however further proof is
necessary to authenticate.
But an equally harder science is about the survival of
viruses in general in polluted air and the air with varying degrees of humidity
and temperature. It is already proven
that the survival of viruses in polluted air and air with varying degrees of
humidity and temperature is relatively poor.
No one can deny that
India is a highly polluted country and the air quality in our state capital -
Delhi is the best example. Imagine if
the air pollutants and other quality aspects of air are going to limit the
survival of novel coronavirus considering the recent scientific revelation of
novel coronavirus is air borne, have we not favoured the viral survival in our
air by forcing nation wise lockdown?
When people are already burdened by the poor air quality and are
at higher risk of developing respiratory illness due to respiratory
preponderances, have we not increased the invasion possibility of the virus among
people by improving the quality of air by forcing nationwide lockdown? The question may sound unscientific but
nothing unscientific if such possibility is true.
The point debate is not to support increased pollution burden
in air or we should not do anything to contain pollution load in the air. The
above question is only to indicate the possibility air pollution and other
aspects limiting the viral survival in the air in India which perhaps we would
have lost by imposing lockdown too stringent and too early. Even if the survival rate of the virus in
the air is halved by the air pollution, still we would have achieved great
success in limiting the pandemic.
Another evolutionary possibility also we need to account for
the relatively poor survival of the virus in polluted air. The virus is named as ‘novel’ and
hypothesised to have skipped from Pangolin or bat. Both these animals live in areas which is
hard for human habitation. When the virus jumps out from its natural host
and entered into the human host, naturally that would have happened only
through direct contact or via air.
Imagine if the air quality were bad, the virus may not have
differentiated its natural host and man and hence would have gone silent.
Any pathogen become deadly pathogenic only when its survival
is threatened, has limited scope to find another host etc.
But by lockdown we
might have increased the air quality and also would have increased the survival
chance of the virus in the air and hence during and post lockdown, there is an
eternal surge in viral positivity.
Although strong scientific and experimental evidence may be required for
the above possibility, but the above possibility cannot be dismissed totally if
we consider the behaviour of the seasonal flu / influenza viruses in general.
Infectivity and susceptibility alone should not be
consideration for our strategy to contain the pandemic, but we also must include
the ‘via-media’ of viral transmission and how that might favour or limit the
spread of the virus if we intervene intentionally and or un-intentionally.
Another evolutionary aspect is that air-borne pathogens have
great advantage of spreading across the hosts when compared to water born or
blood borne pathogens. Whenever a
pathogen has great advantage of spreading across the hosts, the evolution also
would limit such pathogen from causing great infection, because the virus has
high transmission scope and hence its dependency on any given host is relatively
facultative and not obligatory. Only when the dependency of the host is high
for any pathogen, the loss of host or progressive erosion of the host would
The question is did
India rushed too early and did too much to show its supremacy over the virus
and failed miserably? Certainly the
answer is yes.
Modi may want to prove
he is a decisive leader to the world but did not realize that the novel
coronavirus doesn’t care about Modi’s emotional rhetoric or Hindutwa agenda and
promotion of faith based obscurantism – kitchen healing recipes.
The virus would have
then changed its style of operation by realizing the fact that the economic destruction
and loss of livelihood of people by Modi’s senseless lockdown will anyway support
the virus because the panic people, people with high restlessness and poverty
would make people to dare lockdown and the virus would get a greater chance to
conquer human kingdom in India, thanks to Modi, the supreme leader. Air born spread during lockdown also we cannot
Can India ever prevent the spread of an air borne or water
borne pathogen so easily and that too by imposing lockdown? If we had allowed people to interact with
virus freely from the beginning, by now India would have got rid of the virus
or the virus would have been yet another pathogen preferred to live along with
those already prevalent in India.
The clinical idiosyncrasy seen among many of those positive
for the virus (asymptomatic and mild symptomatic) clearly support that the
virus would have gone calm and benign if we have made less hue and cry over the
pandemic and have not adopted the American or European hysteria over the
India has gone psychic in dealing the virus purely due to the
political aggrandizement of Modi to prove that he is great and supreme and even
virus has to bow down to him. But the
virus has broken his ego and soon people of India too will reject him for the
economic devastation that he has caused to India by way of demonetization,
horribly implemented GST and now the recent senseless lockdown.
To keep the virus busy and ensure its employment scope, Modi
might have imposed lockdown and the lockdown has killed the life and livelihood
of millions, people lost their job, employment opportunity, suffered salary cut
but Modi wants to offer free wheat and rice as balm to millennial who suffer
from perennial hopelessness.
Will Modi invoke Ramayan and tell people to pray to Hanuman, the
son of Vayu (air) to save people from the air born coronavirus?
How long people are going to get carried away by the
emotional rhetoric of Modi and would realize that the economy of our country and
their bank balance are more important than Hindutwa or the one India
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