Novel coronavirus - A pathogen or vermin or a super allergen

Several recent articles reflecting the opinions of epidemiologists, clinicians and scientists clearly suggests that hereafter the world cannot rest in peace and must expect and get ready to face a series of pandemics in future due to novel coronavirus.  Further all those asymptomatic people also cannot celebrate much because their chance of re-infection in future due to the virus is quite high; no immune protection against the virus is possible and even those who recovered might have recovered only from the virus but other possible health complications triggered by the virus may continue for months to years.  The possible reason for the above is due to the cascade effect our immune response.  

Then the big question is where the virus and what is the real role of the virus when most of our complications are driven predominantly by our immunity?

Only way we can make the so called epidemiologists and medical world to belittle novel coronavirus is by introducing the sister or brother of the novel coronavirus with a dangler and pamphlet that the brother or sister of the novel coronavirus is far more dangerous than the novel coronavirus. 

Immediately the entire world may starts to focus on the sister or brother of the novel coronavirus and the novel coronavirus may be left in lurch by the world and so shall the fate of all scary tales about novel coronavirus. 

Why we find so much noise around the virus; is it because it is new or it is highly infectious to man?
Just the newness of no species can scare man so much because a few new species are often getting discovered in different parts of the world alongside the extinction of several species of life, strictly due to the expansion of man. 

The reason for the bottomless fear of man over the virus should be then due to the infectious nature of the virus.  Ironically the novel coronavirus is a secondary pathogen.

The big question is how come this virus alone could scare humanity so much obviously when the infective ability of the virus is quite low when compared to many other pathogens that are living around us for several decades? 

The real problem is the spectrum of clinical responses supposedly the virus may evoke in man.  The question is how a virus can cascade several clinical responses and can affect all most all organs in our body? 

Should we not then question all those clinical responses are whether due to the virus or our immune response which over reacts to evict the virus? 

Either the virus may be mutating in every individual or different individuals’ may exhibit different responses towards the virus to evict the pathogen.   

The above scenario clearly suggests only one possibility that the virus is strictly not a human pathogen, has come as an accident and hence both the immunology of man and the virus may be behaving alien to each other resulting in an unexplainable medical problems in certain people where the immune reaction is quite violent and disproportionate. The virus may be trying to escape from man as soon as it enters and to escape, it may be invading every organ in search of an escape door.  Simultaneously our immune system also may be trying its best to evict the virus.

Now the question is how our immune mechanism may be recognizing the virus? 

The possibility of our immune mechanism recognizing the virus more as ‘vermin’ or ‘super allergen’ than as pathogen cannot be denied.  People would fix fence, scare crow and adopt other means to ward off vermin.  The precautionary measures against vermin would be quite high during harvest season. 

Our immune defence mechanism may be sensing the virus as vermin and hence may be putting up the best defence possible against the virus in certain people and that might be resulting of several medical complications and in some cases, even death. 

The possibility of our immune mechanism recognizing the virus may be as a ‘super allergen’ also we cannot discount.

The violent immunological reaction due to such sensing of the virus may be affecting our system adversely than the virus.  The immunological reaction in co-morbid people may be high because the immune mechanism in such people may want to save the life of co-morbid people at any cost and such necessity does not exist in vast number of people who are devoid of any co-morbid conditions and hence they remains asymptomatic.  

Both the above possibilities clearly points towards only one fact that the novel coronavirus is not a true pathogen, nor has come to infect man and its entry is quite an accident.  Therefore lockdown or quarantine measures are not going to solve the pandemic.   

Interestingly the virus and the immune defence system both are doing the same, the virus wants to escape from the host and the host wants to evict the virus, at the same time.  But our scientists, epidemiologists and medical fraternity are making the life of both the virus and people miserable by scaring people and forcing the government to go for nationwide lockdown, quarantine people etc. 

In any accident, death is possible and sometime death is imminent also.

Most of the complications due to the virus may be because of alien recognition of the virus by our immune defence mechanism and vice versa.

It is like the confusion caused by two aliens from two different planets when meet in a common place and both wants to compete with each other for their survival or both wants to get rid of the other instantaneously.

The big question is whether the asymptomatic people or the full blown COVID 19 patients who had survived the infection after a stiff battle is going to make the alien virus a human virus and possibly an obligate or seasonal pathogen. 

Like the famous statement of Dr Richard Dawkins that natural selection doesn’t remove ignorance, the science also does not want to remove the ignorance of people about the coronavirus. 

Today the science finds fear and ignorance as its best assets than wisdom and clarity. 

That is why the science keeps serving fear and warnings among people that immune protection to the virus from re-infection is poor and hence re-infection is quite possible and even after the elimination of the virus in those who got cured of COVID 19 with mild or severe symptoms, the medical complications may continue for months and therefore people must watch out for all such complications.

Already the novel coronavirus have affected the mind of almost 90% of the people across the world.  It is just time and chance that all those people who are mentally infected by the coronavirus needs to fall sick due to some other reason to associate the problem with COVID 19. 

Once they recover, the worries in most of those people may get heightened and hence any subsequent health difficulties they may directly associate only to novel coronavirus.  The world has been made to believe that nothing exist on earth other than novel coronavirus and COVID 19.  The possibility of the science ignorantly picking up all such health issues and associating with post COVID 19 and likely to make great science out of ‘ignorant speculations’ we cannot dismiss.  Some peer reviewed journals may also publish all such findings.   

Only option left with the science today to prevent the virus spread is by making people to follow ‘social distancing’ because the face mask can prevent the infection only to a limited extent.  When people are psychologically and physically isolated, the virus infection even if we could limit clinically but mentally it is going to be there, forever.   Science needs such population and society for its survival. 

The virus is if aggressive today, may melodown soon once it becomes a human pathogen or else the virus may disappear from man because man is not suitable for the virus. 

Both of the above possibility to occur naturally, we must allow people and the virus to interact with each other freely and fearlessly and the lockdown or quarantine is not the answer.   Livelihood of people must be supported and only then we can save life and not by forcing people to lose their livelihood and thereby we can prevent the pandemic. 


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