‘One India epidemiology formula’ may give 0.05% infection rate of coronavirus, plants not man has to worry in Modi’s India
BJP since 2014 till date promoting the ethos of ‘One India’
obviously fearing that India should not remain as federal structure but the
states must kneel down to the whims and fancy of the central government. Therefore BJP may want to bulldoze the diverse
culture, religious practices, plurality, language, ethnicity etc., in India and
then wants to make India a total Hindu rastra.
Why don’t the same government devise and use one India epidemiology formula
to calculate the real devastation of novel coronavirus instead of going for
case or infection fatality rate? Such
statistics may stare at the government and may mock the senseless lockdown.
Before entering into the core theme, let us ask and get some
clarity from ICMR about whether ICMR had ever gone around village after village
or house after house to test the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or
Mycobacterium leprae in people either by antibody test or by antigen or culture
and then quarantined all those positive people, declared the entire area as one
cluster or containment, isolated the zone out of bounds to people to prevent
the spread the pathogen?
Scientists may argue that Mycobacterium may not contract that
fast as novel coronavirus but treating tuberculosis is much more challenging than
self-limiting coronavirus infection, in most cases.
Has the medical body in India ever recommended isolation of cutaneous
tuberculosis patients from the society?
Has the ICMR ever tested the faecal coliform levels of the
water that majority of the Indians drink and tested Salmonella typhi or
Hepatitis B and other deadly enteric pathogen?
Has ICMR ever tested the blood of millions of people for
Malaria parasite at species level and contained those positive cases, kept them
inside a mosquito net so that mosquito would never get the blood meal from
those positive cases and then spread the disease?
Listing more such deadly pathogens and asking what measure ICMR
or the GREAT MODI government has taken to contain all those infections would be
difficult in one single article.
Why we have given novel coronavirus alone such an important status?
Why all those positive people were tortured with sacrilege and isolation in the
name of quarantine?
Is novel coronavirus
that deadly to India?
The text book epidemiological formula may show different
story about case fatality, infection fatality, R0 value etc. But so far the story about novel coronavirus
is highly fictitious, fallacious and hypochondriac.
We must apply Modi’s one India epidemiology formula to
understand the real picture.
India’s population is
about 135 crores. Over 7 lakh people have been tested positive for the virus so
far and only a few in the above group have developed COVID 19.
Therefore we should
calculate the factual figure of novel coronavirus infection in India by simply
using the one India formula of epidemiology.
We should use the total corona positivity by RT-PCR versus total population
(7 lakh/135 crores). The positive rate
of novel coronavirus in India then would be 0.05%
as on date.
the percentage of COVID 19 and associated mortality in the above number would
be abysmally small. The objective of the
article is not meant to belittle human life but to show some light to our government
and to tell how the lockdown has destroyed India’s economy, life and livelihood
of millions, created never solvable unemployment crisis, acute job loss,
hopelessness, agoraphobia, destruction of democracy, rein of all pervasive
invisible autocracy, dictatorial ruling, police brutality etc.
Today it looks like everybody wants
novel coronavirus or in other words, nobody can survive without novel
Power politics and not real science
is directing the theme of the pandemic and the measures taken.
ICMR appears to have bended its science
on vaccine development and clinical trial to fulfil may be the ‘atmanirbhar’
bharat rhetoric of Modi and hence wants to rush-hush vaccine trial and wants to
bring out the vaccine for use before August 15 of this year so that Modi can
once again play with his words to Indians while hosting our national flag on
Independence day.
All most every scientist and every
research institution today wants to engage only in research on novel
coronavirus. Everybody wants to develop
drug or vaccine, everyone wants to look at other person whether he or she goes
around without mask, maintains social distancing etc. Like an eagle, the officials are hovering
over our head to know anyone of us is positive so that immediately they can stamp
us and put us inside the quarantine chamber.
on ‘one India formula of epidemiology’ of BJP, the percentage of coronavirus
positivity in India is far too insignificant.
It looks like, not men but plants (botanical wealth) are at greater risk
in Modi’s India due to novel coronavirus.
most of the laboratories, scientists, Sanyasis etc., everyone wants approval
for conducting clinical trial of their herbal recipes to fight the virus
starting from viral elimination at 100% to boost immunity to improve wellness
to ……. Several households are procuring
neem leaves, basil leaves and curcuma to be kept in the house may be to scare
away the virus.
It looks like, in Modi’s India, to
fulfil his Atmanirbhar sloganeering, several plants are going to be exploited
to contain the novel coronavirus. The
village healing practices in India is up the ante to give a new life to occultism
and faith centric healing practices which Modi wants to sensationalize and
then nationalize. Surprisingly science
has agreed to be the sacrificial lamb of such mission.
Modi may recommend some village healing recipe as replacement even to high end surgery.
It is clear, in India, not human
being must worry about novel coronavirus, the plants that must worry about
their existence due to the virus.
must thank our defence force for their tireless service to our country. From that perspective the Leh optics of our
PM needs to be appreciated. But the acute
question that remains unanswered is why the same Modi is not offering any balm or
Laddu to millions of unemployed youths, people who lost their job, suffered
salary cut, MSME shuts the operation, people who lost their livelihood etc., all
due to the imposition of heartless lockdown.
Modi won the Mahabharat war against novel coronavirus?
Sound rationale and scientific logic
is there in using Modi’s one India formula of epidemiology to calculate corona
infectivity in India.
Novel coronavirus is highly
contagious and infectious but not a deadly pathogen.
population dynamics of India is quite unique than any other country. Socially, economically, politically, family
level, religious level, caste level, occupational level, morality level,
Indians are bonded closely with each other.
Further the population per unit area is also quite high in India. The common external resource that is being shared
by large number of people in public places is also quite high.
all the above aspects and by applying the one India formula of Modi, we have
sufficient ground to speculate that by now the novel coronavirus must have
spread to every Indian (at least 70%) but millions of people may not be showing
any signs and symptoms of the disease or the infection might have been self-limited
in them.
What the PCR has actually detected so
far may be the sample; reflecting the reality in as many as 60 or 70% of the
population. Even with high margin of
error, still Modi’s one India formula of epidemiology would yield only a very
insignificant proportion of positivity of the virus and in the rest; the virus
must have been eliminated as soon as it had invaded them.
may not be novel coronavirus; the agoraphobia created by the so called
collective voice that wants to save humanity from the virus only would have landed
several people in hospitals and resulted in death.
We must really look at the real issue
that is the vulnerability factors or comorbidity conditions and the government must
address those medical issues instead of worrying about novel coronavirus.
knows soon the novel coronavirus may grow old and the WHO may rename the virus
as old coronavirus and then may give retirement and the script would end as
another cruel joke in the annals of our health science.
As usual, Author picturing the situation very clear. No doubt , lockdown erases the economic activities. But Few use this opportunity to reduce the salary to the employees. This is grave thing. Still, No clear and concrete conclusion arrive for Covid19 disease. So we may accuse that lockdown not yield any beneficiary. New disease, new situation...... we have to wait.....