Why Modi adopted Noah’s ark to deal Corona than lifting Govardhan to save people like Lord Krishna
Modi has adopted Noah’s ark method to deal the spread of Corona virus in India. Noah’s ark is biblical story where Noah was told by God to build a box like, water proof, huge ark with several layers of rooms to store food, water, various species of animals etc. Gold told Noah that he would cause huge flood and would destroy the entire world and hence Noah should stuff the ark with pairs of all animals (male and female), sufficient food etc., in the ark and the door of the ark must be closed later. When god causes flood, the flood would destroy the world but not the ark so that all life forms on earth shall be saved and preserved for the future. Corona came to the world like either wild fire or uncontrollable flood. How to deal the situation and save the country must been the genuine concern of Modiji. The curious question is why Modi adopted Noah’s ark approach than the approach of Lord Krishna who saved his people, livestock an...