Why Modi adopted Noah’s ark to deal Corona than lifting Govardhan to save people like Lord Krishna
Modi has adopted Noah’s ark method to deal the spread of Corona
virus in India. Noah’s ark is biblical
story where Noah was told by God to build a box like, water proof, huge ark
with several layers of rooms to store food, water, various species of animals
Gold told Noah that he would cause huge flood and would destroy
the entire world and hence Noah should stuff the ark with pairs of all animals
(male and female), sufficient food etc., in the ark and the door of the ark
must be closed later. When god causes
flood, the flood would destroy the world but not the ark so that all life forms
on earth shall be saved and preserved for the future.
Corona came to the world like either wild fire or uncontrollable
flood. How to deal the situation and
save the country must been the genuine concern of Modiji.
The curious question is why Modi adopted Noah’s ark approach
than the approach of Lord Krishna who saved his people, livestock and
agriculture from torrential rain by lifting Govardhan Mountain from angry
Indira got angry with Braj people who worshiped Govardhan
parvat (hill) than Indira and hence Indira caused heavy down pour of rain to
cause flood and loss of life in Vrindhavan.
People of Braj went to Krishna for help and Lord Krishna lifted the
Govardhan parvat and save the people by keeping the hill like an umbrella over
The rag of Indira lasted for 7 days and during the entire 7
day period not only Lord Krishna saved people and other livestock, but also ensured
none suffered hunger and thirsty.
In Biblical description, God told Noah to save only a pair of
all animals in the world but Lord Krishna saved everyone in Vrindhavan from
flood, hunger and thirst when Indira like Corona decided to attack Braj.
Like Krishna, Modiji could have taken the entire financial burden
upon the central government, made arrangement to support the people the way
they have been living for a while and then the lock down could have been
brought in. But Modi appears to have
taken Noah’s ark approach. During flood,
Noah picked up only a pair of all animals in his ark and left the rest to dye
of flood.
The ill-planned lock down of India for 21 days has left
millions and millions of people in deep misery and sorrow. Like
Noah, Modi too left all those poor people and middle income group in a helpless
If Modi has acted like Lord Krishna and taken the entire financial
burden of everyone in India during the crisis period, people would have in true
sense, worship Modi like God. But Modi
chose to adopt Noah’s ark approach.
In Bible it is said that God had gone and told Noah about the
impending flood and what Noah should do.
Only as per the wish of God of those who follow Bible, Noah made an ark
and followed the instructions of his God.
To that extent we cannot blame Noah.
The question that begs an answer is has God or Corona virus told Modi
not to prepare the ground before lock down and let people suffer and let the
economy of India suffer free fall.
Certainly some ill-trained ‘medical advice’ only would have
dared Modiji to go for 21 day lock down.
It looks like government was pushed and rushed by some ‘ill-trained medical
advice’ to go for lock down without any ground level preparation.
When Lord Krishna is there to guide Modi why Modi has adopted
the Biblical approach of Noah remains a million dollar question to every Indian.
Hope Indians will get back their old India soon.
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