Millions of mutiny between Corona and lock down
Preventive measures to stop the spread of Corona is inevitable and no sensible Indian would disagree to the measures taken by the government. But the measures however necessary it may be must equally protect the livelihood of millions and millions of Indians otherwise the measures would pose bigger threat than corona.
People in general feel that the lock down of India for 21 days without adequate preparations by Modi government is quite sickening and Modi has let down millions and millions of Indians who voted him to power. Doing the inevitable alone is not enough but the while doing, how we can minimize the harm of the measures also needs to be understood. The spread of Corona is difficult to predict because the spread of a virus in India is extremely difficult to predict due to multi various issues that Indians face and hence at least the measures must be humane and must support large section of people. But it looks like the measures were either taken hurriedly or for getting appreciation from International community or WHO.
India cannot afford to act like USA or EU countries. Already the draconian demonetization has killed India, did nothing to curb corruption or to bring black money. Horribly implemented GST has almost killed many MSME and unorganized business establishments. People still supported Modi because of his true intentions. But the lock down of India for 21 days looks like Modi wants to prove to the world that he is a firm, decisive leader or is suffering from Narcissism and hence bothered the least about millions and millions of poor people.
Middle income group fear the lock down to be the real corona than the corona virus. The disaster the lock down has caused to India in total and at individual level affecting even the last man in the village is incalculable. It may take 25 years for India to recover from the consequences of lock down. People feel corruption is better than job loss, no salary, free fall of economy and now lock down.
It is certain that whether Corona is going to kill many Indians or not, the lock down is certainly going to kill the livelihood of millions and they may not ever recover from the shock. India of UPA2 was far better than Modi 2. Many supporters of Modi are repenting and regretting today but what else they can do other than to pray to corona to leave India so that Modi can claim international credit and India also will limb back and poor and middle income can breathe some fresh air.
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