Immune protection versus immune attack, why world lost the war, why novel coronavirus needs more ‘counsel on record’?

Certain differentiation are quite difficult to make even when the events are different although not separable.  In science sometime we must read the meaning simply from the action per see and sometime, we must also learn to draw the meaning from the perspective of the intention behind the action or the process. 

The immune protection is although appears simple to define but to differentiate it from immune fight is not that easy scientifically.  In the case of novel coronavirus, there are two types immune reactions (?) may be taking place in human system and one wins and the other mostly loses the game. 

In all those asymptomatic people and those who exhibit mild symptoms, the immune cells appears to plays defensive role, making the game boring like how the defensive football game would be and how such game can kill the thrill and charm among football enthusiast. 

The virus loses the game when the immunity go for defensive mode to protect the host and hence such people either may go as asymptomatic carriers or exhibit some minor or mild symptoms of the disease and then became alright.

Whereas in comorbid patients, instead of defense, the immunity may be going for an all-out attack with all its warriors and battalion, may not be finding the virus (as the virus is not that deadly and pathogenic as described by the world) and hence ends up in killing the host instead of the virus.  The story of cytokine storm reported in several COVID patients as the principle cause of mortality is the best example for the above hypothesis.   

Perhaps both the virus and the patient may be losing the game when the immunity goes for all round attack.   In people, when the immunity goes for defending the host from viral damage or invasion, the virus may be stressed to jump to a new host instead of fighting with the host.  Survival and fitness of the host is important for all pathogens and not the death of the host.  Who knows, the virus may be sorting the fittest host to survive and to make a symbiotic relationship with the host.  Whenever the host is unfit, gets eliminated that is anyway good for the virus and good for the planet as well from the evolutionary perspective.  

Why the virus when decides not to engage in war against human immunity, the immunity in some individuals chose to go an all-out war against the virus and finally succumbs defeat is difficult to explain.  It may be a ploy of nature to eliminate and exclude all those ‘unfit’.   

The virus might have decided not to fight may be because its intentions and evolutionary secret may not be to kill man but to use the abundant ‘human resource’ to enhance its survival. 

Whenever fight becomes imminent the virus may be skipping the host and whenever our immune system unilaterally decides to fight and attack the virus, the virus may escape or may die with the host. 

Many COVID 19 patients have not shown abundant viremia but still the pathological responses were quite scary mostly due to hyper-immune attack that failed to hit the target and instead killed the host. 
The underlying tenants of evolution around novel coronavirus may be ‘the virus has not born like Lord Krishna to kill Kamsa’ but would have evolved as yet another species of life with the simple message of live and let others live. 

But we the humans do not want the virus to live and have its legitimate space on earth because the virus doesn’t fit into our understanding or definition. 

When our immunity go for an all-out attack or war and finally ends up in killing the host, we blame the virus like an intoxicated person.  In spite of the virus having a crown, still man wants to put another crown and perform coronation ceremony but in a most heinous or negative manner by portraying the virus as villain. 

The media houses have become unpaid or honorary marketing managers of novel coronavirus (the author wishes to be counsel on record for the virus), keep spreading the message about the virus must faster and effective that the spread of the virus. 

Ironically no quarantine and containment procedures are required for the media houses like how the Minister Sadananda Gowda said he is exempted from quarantine and the virus also may not attack him because Modi has absolute majority.

Several countries including India has decided to go for a war against coronavirus and hence imposed lockdown senselessly and failed whereas the county like Sweden had decided not to wage war against the virus, protected the country gracefully without hurting the economy and the poor virus as well. 

Nearly 2.5 lakh people dies in India every three moth (due to various accidents, children below 5 years to due to severe malnourished condition and people suffering from various diseases etc.,) neither any Indian (except the family members) nor the government (both state and union government) have ever worried about all such deaths, done nothing to prevent all such deaths, never thought of imposing lockdown or other means of sensitizing people but the same India has suddenly decided to create acute fear psychosis around novel coronavirus and COVID 19, paralyzed the country, caused deafness, blindness and muteness to our economy and the number of deaths COVID 19 has caused so far is just 4000. 

Are we not jumping from inside our gown and jumping without gown?   Are we not reacting so violently against the virus more than our immune attack as seen in some cases (comorbid people)? 

Why we do not want to give a little space to the virus also to live?  Let novel coronavirus, one more new life form, let live in this earth. 

Every species on earth are interwoven with each other in one way or other to maintain the cybernetics.  If the novel coronavirus has to kill a few patients, let us accept the fact that such decision evolution may be imposing to protect the larger interest of the world and to maintain cybernetics. 

Are we not engaged in committing heinous crime by attempting to kill a species that is just born? 

Should we not accept such an action as infanticide or foeticide or in Sanskrit called bhrun hathya. 
In every aspect the virus is benign.  As soon as the virus evolved, it had not breached the ethos of live and let others live.  The virus has smartly chose man as its transient host, not harmed nearly 80% of the population and all those who developed COVID 19 and died were more due to own immune jeopardy and not due to the virus. 

Every one of us, even if not studied law must assume the role of an advocate of the virus or counsel on record, must study every aspect of the virus to describe to the world that the virus is not as deadly as it is described so and let us not make the virus crazy, hopeless and arrogant by keep describing the virus as villain. 

No newly evolved virus or any other life form for that matter would gain anything by killing the host and instead they only work towards how to increase the fitness and survival of the host so that it can learn the world better and they can decide the host later. 


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