COVID 19, weapon of evolution to eliminate ‘biological archaism’ burdening the fittest
The recent discovery of COVID 19 reducing the male sex
hormone called testosterone and that could be one of the possible reasons for
why men die more due to COVID 19 than women points only towards the very
purposeful and meaningful evolution of novel coronavirus and also suggests the
clear objective of the evolution in facilitating such virus. Such an assumption or notion in general is barred
and anathematized by those who think they are the real custodians of science, because,
according to them accommodating all such possibilities would make science look quite
primitive and barbaric. But the same
‘genera’ of custodians of science can fear monger about the virus, break the
social and intimate fabric of our society by forcing people to follow social
distancing, reducing the ability of the nostril which has evolved in man over
several thousands of years from protecting us and instead man must wear mask hereon
in the world of novel coronavirus etc., are scientific and logical.
The selective virulence of novel coronavirus and targeting
mostly the co-morbid people, affecting the faculty of olfaction resulting in
loss of smell (biological relevance of sense of smell in human is negligible), the
ability of the virus to spread rapidly across human population, benign in young
and healthy people, ability of the virus to navigate the immune privilege sites
and then hide over there until the return of a favourable situation, able to
remain active in wide variety of external objects for a while, air borne spread
etc., all points towards the entry of the virus is fully defined, justified, premeditated
design of evolution and the emergence of the virus is not an accident and hence
man cannot combat the virus and instead must adapt and evolve to live with the
The earth’s carrying capacity may require re-calibration due
to the growing human population and which is possible only through exclusion
and elimination of the biologically ‘burdened’ and ‘unwanted’ from adulterating
the space and resources of the fittest. In the matter of exclusion and elimination,
nature would always select and chose only the irrelevant ones from the
biological premise and may not follow the notch of relationship or economic or
educational or societal status or considerations of the people.
The recent discovery of the virus targeting the testosterone
of men reaffirms the fact that virus has come mostly to balance the biome from
the ever growing human population. Only
the olden men suffer the worst due to testosterone dip because the testosterone
level in older men is already in a suppressed state. Menopause state in women from the biological
definition is the termination of women hood.
But equivalent to that in men the termination of ‘men hood’ doesn’t
happen biologically although the ‘biological’ activity may diminish greatly
over time.
The question is why the novel coronavirus targets the testosterone
and as a consequence, the older men become the soft victims of the virus needs
to be reviewed from the evolutionary angle.
It looks like the virus has come to trim down the human population and
may be according to evolution those who are ‘biologically unfit’ from
procreation per se have to be reduced.
Evolution may want the fittest to survive and be successful and not all those
Homo sapiens who are alive on earth may be due to the busy schedule of YAMA,
the God of death.
The entry of novel coronavirus may be a preparatory phase for
the evolution of neo man.
The sense of the evolution of novel coronavirus strongly
suggests that the virus is not just another pathogen that has come to infect
men but it has come to eliminate the human population beyond a certain level,
may be to balance the cybernetics of the planet – earth. Therefore most of the measures recommended and
prescribed by the medical science to arrest the pandemic like social
distancing, use of mask, vaccine, quarantine etc., are not going to work.
When the purpose of evolution of any new species is meant to
balance the ecosystem and trim down the excess burden of the planet due to
human population, then man must realize the bitter truth that man cannot do
much and therefore attempting to fight out the virus is nothing but a foolish
act. By being so foolish and senseless,
we may cause more harm to humanity by way of destroying the economy and
livelihood than the viral pandemic.
Life, death, extinction of species and evolution of a new species, all
are always an on-going process of the nature and is happening ever since the
first life on earth had appeared. Novel
coronavirus is also part of such on-going process which man cannot stop through
his science or technology.
The COVID 19 is not the
disease of healthy people but is the diseases of those who are prolonging their
saga of sufferings (co-morbid conditions) due to modern science and may also
due to other engagements of Yama the lord of death.
It looks like novel coronavirus has come to grant mrtyu moksh
(मृत्यु मोक्ष) to those who are living a life of
suffering than to attack the humanity indiscriminately and killing millions of
people. That may be the reason the virus
affects the less important organs in human body when the individual is healthy and
produce no symptoms of its presence (asymptomatic state) in majority of the
population. But the medical science has pressed the wrong
alarm and paved way for the total destruction of the global economy and made
man more suspicious over his fellowmen whether she or he carries the virus to
the society.
The caution and care of man is not going to stop the virus
from spreading because it looks like it had evolved after knowing all possible checks
of man and how to overcome all such impediments. The virus knows how to hibernate in immune
privilege sites, how to remain silent and asymptomatic, how to remain benign
with mild symptoms and then disappear from the host in vast majority of the
population. The virus also knows how to
cull the vulnerable group and that too more from the host driven immune failure
(cytokine storm) in other words, the overwhelmed reaction of the immune defence
system than due to viral damage of the organs.
Man must wakeup to the new reality that hunting the virus by
running after the virus is not going to make any sense and instead it is only
going make the world impoverished and impecunious. Time has come we must forget and neglect the
virus and life must move forward and so shall our economy.
The way we enjoy and celebrate our ‘life’ let us learn to embrace death also with same grace and joy. Otherwise the ‘vulnerable’ group of the virus would make even the ‘healthy’ population vulnerable, economically, if not medically and they may lose livelihood which is going to kill every family. The virus may not harm man as much as the loss of livelihood and economy.
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