Unheard, un-herd immunity against COVID 19
The debate over either herd immunity against COVID 19 or a vaccine
alone would protect humanity from the pandemic is happening at global level but
unfortunately the scientific community seldom recognize the abundant truth that
exist in India and which wards off the virus called unheard, un-herd immunity.
The above terminology is never used in immunology nor would be
accept also. Human mind always fantasise
over illusionary or mirage images and possibilities than what really exist next
to us, so cruelly and brutally.
We must analyse and accept the existence of unheard, un-herd
immunity in India. The world had already
claimed that the newly emerged coronavirus is new and that is why it is named
as novel coronavirus and the disease thus caused by the virus is called COVID
The virus is new, meaning, no one knows anything about the
virus and hence everything our scientific world describes about the virus are
mere personalized observations and may not be the real consequence of viral
infection/invasion or can be a mere co-incidence. Today the world has created such a scene
wherein nothing exist on earth; nor any pathogen other than novel coronavirus
and only disease – COVDI 19 and people die only due to novel coronavirus and
not by any other means.
May be due to some strange reason the Lord of death, the so
called YAMA would have cut down his staff working for YAMA and were executing
the task of causing death of people. It
looks like YAMA has given wholesale tender to novel coronavirus to kill human
being and has also subdued all the other deadly pathogens and diseases like
cancer, heart attack etc., to assist and serve the novel coronavirus and even
if someone dies not due to coronavirus, must be claimed as COVID 19 death
because the credit for death in this year is exclusively reserved for novel
coronavirus and not for any other diseases or pathogens.
The point of unheard, un-herd immunity against novel
coronavirus is quite scientific and real.
In India, besides seeing plenty of asymptomatic carriers of the virus,
many have not even shown the viral presence in the given exposure cohort;
although such claim is authentic but still scientific data is lacking to deny or
authenticate such possibility. Now the
question is why many people despite having a possible exposure to the virus
have not contracted the virus? Was the
inoculum size too low to infect or the rate of viral elimination in certain
individuals was extremely high?
When the virus is said to be new, prior exposure to such
virus by people is quite impossible. Then
how certain people are showing defence against such a new pathogen? Such possibility
is quite unheard in immunology. Or else,
the generalized, innate level of immunity itself may be enough to protect
people. Does that mean all those who have
developed COVID 19 suffer from compromised innate immunity? If the innate level of protection itself is weak
means, should we really worry about the underlying cause that had paralyzed even
the innate immunity or about the virus?
Interestingly the people who showed resistance even to
contract the virus cannot be due to herd immunity because herd immunity
requires viral exposure. Then such
possibility has to be named only as un-herd
immunity against the virus.
The big question is how we can dismiss unheard, un-herd
immunity that had offered great protection to vast majority of people against
novel coronavirus in India. When un-herd
immunity itself can offer such great level of protection means, the coupled
effect of herd immunity may even make the virus a marginal player in our health
care delivery system. We would have
gained great protection from the virus and the possibly that the virus may have
been even eliminated by now, if we had let people to move freely with the virus
instead of forcing lockdown.
The question of the duration of exposure and viral load
required for a healthy person to show least clinical symptoms of COVID 19 is
although unknown, but still we can predict the truth that the novel coronavirus
has gone unharmed and unnoticed in vast majority of population must be due to ‘un-herd’
But the fractured and fearful approach of science in dealing
the pandemic has really killed the nation more brutally than by the virus. Considering the vast population in India and
social and cultural fabric, at least 80% of Indians should have contracted the
virus by now. But at best only 10 or 15
percentage of Indians seems to have had exposure to the virus as revealed by
several sero survey findings. The
question is why a virus of such communicability and Ro time has limited itself
to just 15 percentage of population and not 50 or 60% of the population.
The possibility is that the virus would have reached more
than 50 percentage of the population but could leave some of its trails only in
15 percentages of people and the rest did not even contract the virus, may be
due to unheard, un-herd immunity. Rest
of the 50% of the population may have been protected by those who exhibited
unheard, un-herd immunity (did not even contracted the virus) and hence did not
transmit the virus, which we must recognize.
India’s sandwich effect due to our population dynamics and
the possible existence of unheard, un-herd immunity, the scientific community
many not recognize and accept because such acceptance may expose their
ignorance. Already danger over the virus
and the disease has been disproportionately hyped and to some extent and also
it is being celebrated by our medical and scientific community. Therefore our medical and scientific
community may try to dig out more bones and skeletons to prove the virus is the
terminator number one and COVID 19 is the disease with high degree of death
Novel coronavirus is a secondary pathogen, meek and
toothless, but we made everything out of the virus and destroyed economy and
hopes and aspirations of people by adopting bizarre and cynical measure called
lockdown, social distancing, wearing mask etc.
Time has come we must accommodate and respect the niche and the
role of novel coronavirus to rebuild confidence in people to push them back to
pre-corona period of enthusiasm.
Wonderful article Dr. Thanks for sending me this.