Imprison our democracy if needed to cut the supply chain of shockvertising of COVID


People may call it is highly hysterical, bizarre, perverted, eccentric or insane to suggest the personal opinion of the author to Modiji to imprison our democracy for a while to cut the supply chain of fear mongering of COVID to save the humanity at large in India. 

Continuous relay of the bad news about how many COVID cases are happening in the country, how many had died, how many are in the ICU, what aberration our medical services are facing to deal the increasing number of COVID cases, how loom our future is etc., on hourly basis by the media houses doesn’t seems to help people instead such bombarding of news items are only causing further panic and distress among people.  Such situation makes people much tensed, fearsome and as a result of, people runs from pillar to post to deal even very simple medical problems which they can easily manage at home.  Home quarantine and rest are only advised to most of the COVID patients by our medical body.    

Even if there is oxygen shortage in some states or hospitals, we need to bring the topic to the notice of our nation only to alert our system and to do the needful and not to make any political score at this juncture.  By keep harping at the lack of oxygen and how many patients are dying due to non-availability of oxygen in various parts of India, it is only going to add more fuel to the fire and through such reporting; we cannot help people to deal the problem. 

Dealing the COVID pandemic is not the exclusive responsibility of Modi or the particular state government; we need to address the problem collectively by standing together and telling people that only when they feel unmanageable needs to go to hospital for admission and otherwise they can easily manage the problem at home itself. 

If media houses bring out the oxygen shortage in a positive manner that all those who can manage the COVID problem at home should do so because there is a shortage of oxygen that would give greater confidence to people. 

But our effort at present looks likes, we not only wants to create panic among people but also to showcase India in poor light at international level.   Before we blame our political class exclusively, each one of us also must take the responsibility of electing some family centred political parties to power without checking or questioning about what they have done to India, how well they have improved our health care system etc.   What we witness today is the outcome of the rotten governance we had from Indian National Congress since independence.   Since there was not such pandemic in the past when congress was in power, our health care system and its inabilities could to come to light. 

Today Modi government has well equipped to handle the situation thanks to his international reputation and respect; he could quickly draw the attention of the world to help India to deal the pandemic.  Further Modi is also ensuring personally to increase the production of medical oxygen to meet the demand and ensure excess stock.

Micro-containment, quarantine, creating more beds, oxygen support, contact tracing, imposing wearing of mask, social distancing, use of hand sanitizer etc., may not be sufficient it looks like and hence Modiji must think of imprisonment of our democracy for a while to cut the supply chain of fear mongering activity. 

Nation not only needs to know about the surge of the COVID, but also how well our states are managing the problem and steadily improving our health care delivery system.  Such positive reporting also must happen regularly.

A year of imprisonment of our democracy is not a bad idea but at the same time, such measure should not affect the livelihood of people and such measure if needed must be promulgated to cut the supply chain of negative-hype of COVID and other negativism. 

India is matured enough to accept such measure as the most needed surgery than allowing our freedom and democracy to make mockery of the pandemic.  As long as the livelihood of people is not affected, economy is not hampered, the measure of captivating democracy for a while, people not only will accept happily and but also will appreciate. 

Anti-Modi-ism at political level is fine but that should not exceed its limits and corrode and necrotize the reputation and dignity of India. 

India must grow economically and politically to the next level as a leader country.  That should be the ambition of every Indian.  The chance of India becoming a leader country under Modi is much higher than under the dynast and hence people must be vigilant of their action.  While throwing the stones of criticism at Modi, we must also ensure that the dynast does not benefit from the same.  Our intention should be to improve our system and make our establishment more responsible and sensitive and not the dynastic politics to prosper. 

It is like preventive arrests or house arrests in anticipation of some law and order breakout, our democracy also can be imprisoned for a while if needed to give confidence and courage to people and also to deal the pandemic.  

What we witness today is the duel effects viz., fear of people and the real surge of COVID.   The surge of COVID we may able to prevent better than the spread of fear and hence an innovative, constitutional provision must be explored if needed to deal the issue.  

Sometime the end may justify the means and solution become more important than the method adopted to achieve the same.   Indira Gandhi adopted such measure for her personal gain and protection but let this time such measure be for the people of India.          


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