
Showing posts from July, 2020

Novel coronavirus - A pathogen or vermin or a super allergen

Several recent articles reflecting the opinions of epidemiologists, clinicians and scientists clearly suggests that hereafter the world cannot rest in peace and must expect and get ready to face a series of pandemics in future due to novel coronavirus.   Further all those asymptomatic people also cannot celebrate much because their chance of re-infection in future due to the virus is quite high; no immune protection against the virus is possible and even those who recovered might have recovered only from the virus but other possible health complications triggered by the virus may continue for months to years.   The possible reason for the above is due to the cascade effect our immune response.    Then the big question is where the virus and what is the real role of the virus when most of our complications are driven predominantly by our immunity? Only way we can make the so called epidemiologists and medical world to belittle novel coronavirus is by ...

Coronavirus, the ‘mesopredator’ tricked the game of numbers may be to save the ecological pyramid

It is quite unnatural for any new species to evolve in this planet by keeping the top predator - man in the ecological pyramid, as its primary target.   Always top down approach is quite unexpected although not impossible and uncommon.   Equally it is unusual that the top predator shall occupy the dominant position in population abundance also in the ecological pyramid and distributed evenly across the globe, quite powerful and technologically advanced.   Land, air and water are also, man dominates and control the ecosystem.    Such possibility is quite impossible in natural sense, but man alone has broken the ‘evolutionary impossibility’ and has occupied not only the dominant position but also dominant in population abundance. Man fractured the order of evolution and has the gone to the top of the pyramid in food chain.   In food chain, always energy transformation from bottom of the pyramid to the top would be the least due to the law of ...

When the world would end Pokemon game with Coronavirus

Science has been forced evicted from our mission to control the pandemic caused by novel coronavirus.   The clinicians, epidemiologists, virologists, immunologists and finally the country healers and faith healers, all of them appear to be working separately to promote their version of science over the viral pandemic than doing anything worthwhile to the people.    The politicians and administrators to the best of their ability are playing their favourite politics over the virus to appeal to their ideological slaves or constituency.   Lockdown has been used as an excellent tool to suppress democracy and fundamental rights of people than to control the viral spread.   The question of whether the novel coronavirus is such a scary pathogen and has come to kill humanity, no one can fully say yes nor can say fully no to the above question.   A few may get infected deep by the virus and the vast majority of the population may out-survive the viru...

World under ‘death row phenomenon’, need psychiatric treatment, not COVID vaccine

Thanatophobia is otherwise called as fear of death.   Sigmund Freud once said that “people do not believes in own death”.   Further no one also wants to die; even by killing others, wants to live and that is how every life form on earth has evolved.   Man is the best example for contractarian and utilitarian way of life than giving any damn value and respect for the life of other living being.     After the outbreak of novel coronavirus, the world has gone perverted and the medical science has not only created fear about novel coronavirus but also has compelled people to fall into an emotional fear trap called ‘death row phenomenon’.     Like the prisoner who is convicted with death sentence waiting for the hangman with no hope left, today people are totally shattered and doing everything to save their life from corona which many believe would kill them.   This is the first time people see disease and death are inseparable and for...

Coronavirus is air-born – did India miss the black-and-white effect of air pollution, lockdown might have favoured the virus!

Will Modi finally accept that he lost the Mahabharat war against coronavirus and now he must go after Ramayan and ask people of India to pray to Hanuman, son of Vayu (air) along with the use of several grandmas’ kitchen based healing recipes of ancient India due to the recent revelation that coronavirus is air born. The recent report on novel coronavirus is air borne by a group of scientists from US and further asking the WHO to revise its guidelines has come as rude shock than a new piece of scientific information to contain the viral pandemic.   It is already known that air pollution will always increase the burden of respiratory predisposition and respiratory illness among people.   Therefore most of the respiratory illnesses are relatively high in urban and city dwelling places than in the country side or villages.   From the above premise, we must look at novel coronavirus pandemic and must ask certain ‘India specific’ questions.   Sometime such...

‘One India epidemiology formula’ may give 0.05% infection rate of coronavirus, plants not man has to worry in Modi’s India

BJP since 2014 till date promoting the ethos of ‘One India’ obviously fearing that India should not remain as federal structure but the states must kneel down to the whims and fancy of the central government.   Therefore BJP may want to bulldoze the diverse culture, religious practices, plurality, language, ethnicity etc., in India and then wants to make India a total Hindu rastra.   Why don’t the same government devise and use one India epidemiology formula to calculate the real devastation of novel coronavirus instead of going for case or infection fatality rate?   Such statistics may stare at the government and may mock the senseless lockdown. Before entering into the core theme, let us ask and get some clarity from ICMR about whether ICMR had ever gone around village after village or house after house to test the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium leprae in people either by antibody test or by antigen or culture and then quarantined ...