Extreme fear of COVID is damn good for high immunity; let us allow natural selection to happen
Every life-form on earth has an in-born urge and longing-ness to live healthy, remain immortal and will do everything possible (fight or flee) to achieve the ultimate goal of eternity. Why even every cell our body also struggles for the same level and goal of permanent existence. If we look at the nature and ask how the order, the beauty, the diversity, different types of adaptations and behavioural idiosyncrasies seen among the structure of the nature, in simple language, the father of evolution Charles Darwin has described the above, due to natural selection. Natural selection is indeed a very slow process and the near final change may occur after several generations over thousands of years which our present science cannot predict as how long it may take and when to expect the change. Even the direction of change is also difficult to predict in advance. But the theory of natural selection is absolute science and those who show braveness ...